I was watching MTVNews on MTVUK earlier and the drunk ass/talentless/Ionlysingwithautotune Ke$ha pops up on tv, I mean, don't get me wrong, Ke$ha got the fame yes, but hell she ain't talented.
Anyways, so I was saying that Kesha was on MTVNEWs talking about Rihanna and stated that Rihanna “has one of the best voices of anyone” .
Check what she had to say in full below:
“We have slumber parties and pillow fights and we braid each other’s hair a lot,” Ke$ha laughed while telling MTV. “We talk about boys, naked. Touring with Rihanna is incredible, you should come see it. It’s really fun. I’ve been out with her for about two weeks now, and I just learn so much from her as a performer. She has one of the best voices of anyone I’ve ever seen live, and I kind of just take it as my opportunity to hype up thousands of people. It’s epic. She’s amazing live and her voice is just so good. I’m kind of just, like, her hype girl. I take the stage and hype it up for 40 minutes.”
*spits drink* yup she said that Rihanna has one of the best voices she has ever seen live *blank stare*, the girl probably only went to see T-pain live or something?
But before I finish with this post, I don't know about you guys but i really would want to see rihanna's head braided especially her forehead *smirks*
The Commanders are OUT
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