His name is Todd and he'll be graduating very soon from IADT-Orlando, Florida in fashion design (of course, it had to be fashion related ^_^ ).He's one of my favorite youtuber (the link to his channel is at the end of the interview); he kindly accepted to give us a few tips about starting a new life as a college student and at the same time we asked him about what are his good and bad experiences these past years in college along with the plans he has for his after-college life! Enjoy the interview below, my little freshmen.
-How old were you when you were a freshman year in college and which year was it?
I was 19 years old when I started at IADT-Orlando back in 2007. The same year of many other major events in my life including graduating from High School.
-How did you feel back then about going to college? Were you nervous or pretty excited?
Of course with any student moving away for school, you’ll get nervous. Being nervous is okay. You must change and get away from your confront zone to really grow as a person and define yourself and the direction you want to travel. But also very excited to start a new life in a new city.
-I know you're in fashion design, how do you like the program in your college? Is it what you expected? Or are there some things you would have wished to experience?
I love the program my college offer, it is way more than I expected. Everything is not easy, but now as I look back on it, it really wasn’t that hard either. I wish to experience more of the photography and journalism side of fashion, but its not a bad thing to learn other areas in the industry.
-What are your favorite classes? And what are your least favorites?
Oh wow, hmmm my favorites so far have to be Visual Merchandising, and Fashion Design. With our Visual Merchandising class we got to actual make a window presentation downtown, but the catch was that we had to make the outfit from materials other than fabric. Which was really cool. In Fashion Design, you learn more about the computer programs…more on fashion flats and Photoshop, and other fashion programs many fashion positions use today. Least favorites would have to be any classes dealing with a sewing machine. I hate sewing.
-I know you're working 2 part-time jobs (if i'm correct), how can you handle that? Can you give any tips to freshmen who want to work AND go to school (like me lol)?
I’m currently working 1 somewhat full time job, but yes when I first started school I was working 2 jobs and going to school full time. Of course anyone can handle it. I organized everything from day to day and certain times of work, free time, school etc. Its all about being able to organize and manage your time well. If you want to work and go to school full time, remember that you gain lots of experience by working and attending school, and looks great on your resume. The main tip I could give anyone would be to manage your time well. You don’t want to sleep your dreams away by doing nothing, wake up and stay active. If I can do it, anyone can. I takes full dedication to do both, but trust its not hard at all.
-What was the hardest thing for you to get used to during your college experience? and the easiest?
The hardest thing I had to get use to while in college was the fact that I was here all alone. Yes I made friends, and dealt with bad friends in the process, but I had no family. I wish my family could’ve experience all my drama and experience I had to deal with while in school and seeing my designs and projects. The easiest was my environment. It was a big cultural shock, coming to a dominant Latin city, where back at home, you hardly see that many Latin Americans.
-What would be your advice for people who are going in fashion design?
The best advice I could give would be to be yourself. You’ll see other future designers/students who are well advanced than you either with designing, sketching, pattern making, sewing etc. that could possibly bring your drive down. Don’t let anyone make you feel less of being in the same class they are in. Remember that your there to learn just like them, everyone is not well advanced in what they do, but you can get there. And with the right instructors and motivation you’ll be just like them but better.
-What are your precise goals after college? Do you already have a clear idea of what you're going to do?
As of now I do. It’s the hardest question a college student have to face after graduating. Which I’ll be done with school in March 2011, with only 5 classes. YAY ME! But I plan on movie back home for the rest of 2011 to save money and gain work experience somewhere in the fashion industry…then plan on moving to California in 2012 to make my dreams come true.
-Final question: What is your favorite thing about being in college?
All the life changing experience I had to deal with, which mold me into the person I’ am today. Attending college out of state would change your life FOREVER! And most of the time, for the BETTER!
Thanks to Todd for answering our questions and you can keep up with him by following and subscribing to his youtube channel and hit him up on twitter @onlyoneofme
I hope his answers helped you getting ready for that new life you're about to start and if it didn't (for some of you who are really REALLY nervous) just sit down, relax...and take a chill pill ;).... no seriously just tell yourself that it's gonna be okay (it's been okay for thousands billions of people so why not YOU??!!).
The Commanders are OUT!
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