I was just going through blogs and kept seeing the covers of magazines for next months,
A woman who claims to be Michael Jackson’s illegitimate love child — conceived when MJ was a minor — has filed legal documents claiming there was a diabolical plot to cover up her existence … involving murder, abduction and Diana Ross’ sister.
The alleged MJ spawn — Mocienne Petit Jackson — has filed documents with L.A. County Superior Court claiming she will surely be in line for a serious inheritance check … if a judge will give the go-ahead on a DNA test.
Here’s the story — MPJ claims back in 1975, 17-year-old Michael Jackson secretly impregnated her mother Barbara … who happens to be Diana Ross’ sister.
MPJ claims when she was 9 years old, Katherine Jackson hatched a plan to “abduct” MPJ and send her to Belgium to protect Michael’s “reputation.” She claims all 7 of her abductors were later murdered.
Now MPJ — who currently lives in the Netherlands — has decided to come forward with her story … so she can “formally claim my part of my father’s inheritance.” She also wants custody of MJ’s kids so she can give them a “more normal life.”
MPJ also claims she was diagnosed with Vitiligo … so, there’s that.
Calls to Diana Ross, Barbara Ross and MJ’s camp have not been returned.
*stares a the screen hoping that its a joke* I dont think i have to coment on this ish yall thinking the same as me.
I just read this article on necolebitchie.com that was so hilarious i could not pass by it and not post it.It's called “Lessons to Young Groupies, What Not to Ever Do” (this was so hilarious) so Big shoutout to all my groupies i am officialy giving all of you free lessons to be more than just groupie hoes for celebs, but become SMART groupie hoes dating a basket ball player.lesson #1:DO NOT EVER ask a “friend” to take a picture of you smiling ear to ear happy and posing to have a hotel room key!lesson #2:DO NOT EVER sneak around a “ballers” hotel room and take pictures with his team memorabilia, chain, name-tag, etc. (especially when he’s not there.and then again don’t ask a “friend” to take the pictures)!lesson #3:DO NOT EVER snoop in a “ballers” belongings and then take pictures of the evidence (pictures of said ballers girlfriend/baby momma)!Lesson #4:DO NOT EVER forward private pics that your “baller” sent you to your “friends”.I dont know thats the funny part that all this is true or that Darren McFadden of the Oakland Raiders and that the girl in the picture was one of his girlfriends who was dating a chick who went buckwild when he left her in his hotel room aloneand took pictures of everything!
ANYWAY to all my groupies i just gave yall the 4 commandements of the shit to never do while dating a celebrity, better master them up (LOL).THE COMMANDERS ARE OUT!!!!!